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You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy! The WEF Plan Revealed!

You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy! The WEF Plan Revealed!

“You will own nothing and be happy.”

This infamous prediction from the world economic forum is recognized by almost everyone these days, yet few believe it could ever come to pass. Well, what if I told you that our ownership of things is quickly disappearing and that many of us are unknowingly embracing this new normal, would you believe it? Today I’m going to tell you about a disturbing trend that’s finding its way into every corner of the economy. Where this trend came from, and why could cryptocurrency be the only defense?

I know it’s annoying, but I must give you a quick disclaimer before we get going; financial advice is not something I give. This website is purely about knowledge and entertainment. So, please contact a financial advisor if your portfolio isn’t growing.

Now, if this is the first time we hang out, welcome to Sucryptoz, our mission is to create high-quality content that will make you doubt!


Ownership Issues

How often do you upgrade or change your phone? Statistically speaking, your answer will be somewhere in the range of two to three years. This is consistent with the lifespan of the average phone battery, which tends to give out after a couple of years of use even if you’re taking care of your phone’s battery, namely, not letting it drop below 20% or go above 90 %.

Now, in theory, the solution is simple just install a new battery when the current one gives out and enjoy your phone for another two to three years until you need to replace the battery again and so on and so on. However, opening your phone and switching the battery is generally not easy to do and can damage the phone.

This assumes you can even get your hands on a replacement battery, which isn’t guaranteed. In the case of newer iPhone models, the phone will actually detect when you’ve replaced the battery and will give you all manner of warning messages which compel you to go to the apple store for an extensive repair that could cost as much as a brand-new phone.

Now critics of this setup have accurately observed that the inability to independently open, modify or repair a device that you own means that you don’t actually own it because ownership literally means the ability to do all of the above and more. These and other issues have given rise to a global movement called right to repair, which has managed to pressure apple and other tech giants into making repairs more accessible, albeit to a limited degree due to the lobbying power these corporations wield.


Now, why the right to repair doesn’t always fix the underlying ownership issue?

Look no further than the phenomenon of manufacturers slowing down phones to force you to buy a new one. Any android users in the crowd will know that Samsung was fined for doing exactly that in 2018. As is often the case with big tech companies, Samsung was issued a fine that amounted to a slap on the wrist compared to the profits it probably made from artificially slowing down phones, which the company is allegedly still doing to this day.

This level of control negates any aspect of ownership, and let’s just hope Solana doesn’t do this to its upcoming crypto phones, for example.

Now it’s not just phones either. The practice of forcing people to upgrade through some nefarious means has found its way into everything from household appliances to hospital equipment. What’s crazy is that this practice has been around for almost 100 years and even has a planned obsolescence name.


History of Planned Obsolescence

Although planned obsolescence has its origins in the early American bicycle and automobile industries, the term was coined by an American real estate broker named Bernard London in a paper titled quote ending the Depression through planned obsolescence which he published in 1932.

Bernard said in the paper that the Great Depression made no sense because quote factories, warehouses and fields are still intact and ready to produce in unlimited quantities. But the urge to go ahead has been paralyzed by a decline in buying power and, by extension, a decline in demand. Given this situation, Bernard proposed the following solution quote.

I would have the government assign a lease of life to shoes and homes and machines to all products of manufactured, mining and agriculture when they are first created, and they would be sold and used within the term of their existence, definitely known by the consumer. After the allotted time had expired, these things would be legally dead and would be controlled by the duly appointed governmental agency and destroyed if there is widespread unemployment. In other words, everything produced in the economy would be artificially made obsolete by the government at a certain date to cause the population to consume more so that the economy recovers while simultaneously providing ample employment, further fostering economic growth.


Second World War arguably ended the great Depression

Suppose you know how to prepare for the crypto bear market. In that case, you’ll know that the Second World War arguably ended the great Depression, and Bernard’s problematic idea of planned obsolescence never really caught on as a result. This is primarily because the post-war period was one of incredible prosperity, particularly for the United States, as it managed to reap much of the rewards of victory while incurring little in the way of losses compared with its allies. The US dollar had also just become the world’s reserve currency.

More importantly, the populations of countries like the United States and Canada exploded after the Second World War creating the army of well-off old folks many of us now refer to as boomers. This is important because the rapid increase in population meant there was a rapid increase in consumption, and that meant that there was no need for planned obsolescence business practices.


The Effect of the Baby Boomer Generation

So, companies could comfortably sell high-quality hardware that would last for decades because they knew there would always be another wave of buyers coming next year as more baby boomers became adult boomers.

This seems to have been the case until the 1970s, when it became clear that baby boomers weren’t having nearly the same number of children as their forebears. It appears that many western countries tried to fill this future demographic gap by opening their doors to immigration, and this seems to have worked for a while.

By the early 2000s, however, it became clear that immigration alone wasn’t enough to fill the demographic gap, which continued to grow as companies needed more future consumption to continue their expansion. All the while, native birth rates continued to decline. This seems to be the period when Bernard’s idea of planned obsolescence became a real company and was effectively forced into selling low-quality products that would require a repurchase every few years to continue consumption trends in the absence of a growing population.


Hardware Subscription Service

Now I know what you’re thinking. This is all very interesting, but what does this have to do with me owning nothing and being happy? Well, I’m glad you asked. Any IOS users in the crowd might recall that Bloomberg reported that Apple would be rolling out a subscription service for iPhones later this year or early next year.

To be clear, this upcoming subscription service is not at all like apple’s existing subscription services. That’s because it applies to hardware, not software. The subscription service will be for the physical phone itself. A service is when someone or something does something for you. A phone is not a service. It is a product, and it should be entirely yours from the moment you purchase it. On top of that, many Wall Street investors are pushing for publicly traded companies to adopt this so-called hardware-as-a-service business model because it will make them trade at higher valuations regardless of their actual earnings, which is mentioned in the Bloomberg article.

Trading at higher valuations regardless of actual earnings sounds eerily similar to the ESG (Environmental, social, and corporate governance) investment trend, which effectively consists of asset managers moving their money into companies that comply with their ever-changing criteria, causing their stocks to pump even though no actual profits are being made. While I couldn’t find any concrete evidence that ESG investors are behind this accelerating trend towards hardware as a service in various sectors, it wouldn’t be surprising given that the trend is inherently ESG friendly.


Hardware Subscription Service Benefits on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance

Hardware as a service satisfies environmental criteria because the number of devices in circulation can be reduced, the devices in circulation can be reused, and any old devices can be easily recycled as you’ll likely need to give back your old device to get a newer version

So, Hardware as a service satisfies social criteria because everyone will have subscription services for the same devices.

Hardware as a service satisfies governance criteria because it will put the company producing the product in total control of its creation, use, and destruction.

Now unlike most other ESG-related policies, hardware as a service could actually result in actual profits because people will be paying subscription services for just about everything they own until they die. Notably, the subscription costs could be made low enough so that these products are available to more people, not just the privileged few in developing countries where most of the demand for these products is currently coming from.


Planned Obsolescence: A Solution to the Great Depression

Whereas planned obsolescence was introduced as a means of solving the Great Depression. It looks like hardware as a service is being introduced to prevent another depression from occurring by ensuring consumption continues to increase even as the demographic decline continues.

Now don’t get me wrong, hardware as a service is unlikely to be forced upon us consumers. As we’ve recently seen with other products applying too much force tends to result in an equal or greater amount of pushback because, hey, people know something is up when they don’t have a choice in the matter; instead, the ability to own anything will likely become ever more difficult as time goes on. And I suspect they’ll start with the things that tend to be the most expensive purchases for the average person. At the top of this list, we have the housing market whose prices have been going through the roof in most countries.

As I mentioned in our recent video about the housing market, the rising costs in this corner of the economy will eventually cause the population to push politicians to do something. As we’ve seen in countries like Germany, one of the outcomes could be that the government starts nationalizing housing, i.e. taking it away from landlords in the name of the greater good, and while these policies will be directed toward the big fish, at first the small fish will come next just like with taxation. Alternatively, if the housing market collapses, we could see asset managers like BlackRock swoop in and acquire as many properties as possible with the freshly printed money they received from their respective central banks. Basically, you rent from the government or from Wall Street.


The Trend of Electric Vehicles and Sharing Companies

The next item on the list is automobiles of all kinds, and this is where lots of work is already being done by car sharing companies like a car to share, shared electric scooter companies like lime and shared bicycle companies like Mobike.

You can bet your bottom dollar that these entities are extracting as much data as they can in preparation for hardware as a service model for similar automobiles, and the fact that many of these companies continue to receive large investments despite being barely profitable is evidence of this effect. On that note, hardware as a service in automobiles is likely part of why there’s such a huge push for electric vehicles.

That’s because it’s easy to break the rules of a sharing economy when the vehicle is powered by petrol and hardware, but it’s much harder to break the rules when the vehicle is powered by electricity and software. Moreover, there’s a limit to how many electric cars can be made because there doesn’t seem to be enough lithium on the planet to replace existing cars with electric cars, according to the world economic forum’s own research.

This effectively guarantees that electric cars will need to be shared.


Sharing Phones and Computers

Now phones and computers will probably be the third class of products to get sucked into the hardware as a service scheme, but I suspect it will take quite some time for the average person to be okay with this. That’s because phones and computers are frequently listed as a person’s most valuable possessions, primarily because it’s something that you can truly shape according to your liking.

These devices also contain lots of sensitive personal data that you’d rather keep to yourself and not share with anyone. Keeping track of phones and computers would also be very difficult without a digital id which is also a prerequisite for the rollout of central bank digital currencies and internet censorship which the powers have explicitly stated they want to see.

The worst part of all this is that increasing numbers of people are unironically on board with this hardware as a service idea. This is simply because an increasing number of people can’t afford a home, a car or even a nice computer or phone. I’ll never forget the reaction I got when I told a few friends about how the world economic forum says you’ll own nothing and be happy. They just sighed and said well, I don’t own anything anyway, so at least I’ll be happy.

If this is how you feel, take a second to consider that there is something very valuable that you own, and that is yourself.


Things that You Do Own are an Extension of Yourself

Then consider that some of the things that you do own are ultimately an extension of yourself. They allow you to be you. They allow you to exercise ownership of yourself in the world. This is why having a place to call home, having a way to move around and having the ability to communicate and express yourself are objectively important and universally sought after.

The fact that you don’t have a home, a car or even a nice computer or phone today doesn’t mean that you won’t have these things tomorrow. So long as the path to ownership of these and other things exists, you can find your way to them if you play your cards right, even if the system is rigged against you.

Rest assured that you will never be happy in a world where the path to ownership of literally anything except your skin and bones has been blocked because you will never be able to truly be yourself. Never mind that you might even lose ownership of yourself because of a digital id in such a world.


Cryptocurrency as a Solution

So, what’s the solution then? Well, by now, it should be clear that the financial system we have is not working, and some would say it hasn’t been working for decades, if not longer, because it’s not just hardware as a service. Planned obsolescence was proposed almost 100 years ago.

As almost all of you will know, cryptocurrency was built to replace this broken financial system. Though cryptocurrency still has a very long way to go, it has already fixed one of the most important parts of finance: the ability to truly own your assets. Now you might think this is nothing new, but it really is.

The money in your bank can be seized, and any physical property you have can be confiscated; even your house can be taken from you if you don’t pay your taxes, and in some countries, the government can take your property at will using eminent domain. I’m not kidding; look it up.

You might think this is fine, but it’s really not. These are the sorts of legal levers that governments and corporations are slowly starting to pull to take control of everything you own. Once you realize this, it is easy to understand why MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor is obsessed with Bitcoin.


You Will Own Bitcoin and Be Happy

Bitcoin can’t be seized because a third party does not technically own it. It can’t be confiscated because it’s not physical, and the government can’t take it through some obscure law because the only law in crypto is immutable computer code.

The harsh reality is that almost every other cryptocurrency does not come with these same ownership guarantees due to their centralization or consensus mechanisms. This makes Bitcoin the best hedge against a world where you will own nothing because it guarantees that you will own something.

When you look around and realize that everyone owns nothing, there are lots to be happy about when you’ve got some Sats to your name. Just make sure you’re holding those Sats in your own crypto wallet, or else everything I just said about Bitcoin will be irrelevant. You can find out How to Safely Store Cryptocurrencies in one of our previous videos which I will let the link in the description below. So, I would consider having a cold wallet and memorizing your seed phrase. Once you make one, it could definitely save you someday.


Final Words

In conclusion, Bitcoin is a great way to ensure that you will always own something in a world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so. Not only does Bitcoin guarantee ownership of your assets, but it also comes with a number of other benefits, such as being impossible to seize or confiscate. If you’re looking for a hedge against a future where you may not own anything, Bitcoin is a great option.

In addition, you can research what are the fundamental cryptocurrencies that are going to play a pivotal role in this new financial model that’s quickly changing in front of our eyes. The Blockchain Revolution it’s in early stages and cryptocurrencies just started to being used as a Software to provide powerful gains in financial efficiency, equity, and inclusion.


You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy



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Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.


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